Monday, December 8, 2014

Listen to him. Why I believe what the Bible says is true.

Over and over and over again on this blog I write about how we can cease from striving, stop the anxiety. Fully trust in Jesus. And I remind you and preach to myself primarily through Scripture. The Bible.

But in your doubt, perhaps you're asking: how can I know what the Bible says is true? 

So as I've been milling around in my head this question. Asking it of myself for days, weeks, really.
I could give you historical, contextual evidence that I've been chalk full of since Bible college or tell you that we all have presuppositions and this is mine. End of story.

I could begin with this morning.

Advent has been one of the best things for my frail heart this year. And John Piper too. So reading The Dawning of Indestructible Joy just makes sense.

First cup of coffee in hand, I began "December 8" in Acts 3, where Peter (one of Jesus' disciples) preaches Christ and his resurrection to the Jewish people in disbelief of his deity - yet who knew full well their family history.

And this is what Peter says in verse 22: "Moses said, 'The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me [Moses] from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you...'"

These smart, intellectual men congregating at Solomon's Portico would have most certainly revered Moses as a prophet - they believed Moses - so what Peter was telling these men was HUGE.

Listen to him. 
Listen. To. Him. 

Peter says listen to what Jesus says about himself. (John 8:58, 10:30)

All the promises of God are fulfilled in Jesus.
They find their "yes" in him. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
"Jesus shows that God is trustworthy," says John Piper.

God made promises concerning Jesus to Moses, to Abraham, to Noah, to David, to Isaiah.
This list goes on.
And they believed God and their faith was counted to them as righteousness (Romans 4, Hebrews 11).

Why I believe what the Bible says is true is simply this:
God is trustworthy.

God says that his word is true. He proves through Jesus that his word is accurate. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:3).
He keeps his promises.
So because he is worthy of my trust, I can believe him and his written-down-tangible word too.

And so maybe you're thinking my argument's not rational or logical. Or well thought out or worded.
And maybe it's not.

But all I ask is that you listen to him. Have faith and listen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kayla, thanks for your well articulated thoughts here. We should be friends. I'll make sure to say 'hi' next time you're sitting at the next table in 30/30.

I recently reread Mike Bullmore's little booklet about the relationship between the gospel and Scripture. You can find it here for purchase:

Or you can also find it for free in pdf pretty easily. He says that the gospel is a cause of Scriptural revelation and the gospel is an effect of scriptural revelation.

This concept has brought precision in how I understand the Bible and helped me to see the powerful consistency of God in both inspiration and incarnation.

This kind of consistency drives me into trust.

Thanks again for your work here.