Thursday, December 1, 2011


While at home for Thanksgiving I needed a book to read- I had only brought boring ones- so my mom handed me Life Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George. Apropos (by the way, I didn't know that this word has an "s" on the end, until today) don't you think?

I appreciated, though convicted and humbled, by this quote from Susanna Wesley (John Wesley's mother):

"I will tell you what rule I observed...when I was young, and too much addicted to childish diversions, which was this- Never to spend more time in recreation in one day than I spend in private religious devotions."


I run longer most days than I spend in private prayer and reading of Scripture.
What a challenge! And one I want to strive for. One worth striving for.

Do you spend more time in recreation than you do reading God's Word?


Erika said...

I too am reading a book by Elizabeth George..So convicting

Kayla Michelle said...

Which one are you reading??? I love them all! Always what I need (not always what I want) to hear.