Monday, November 28, 2011

A Little Black Book (well, journal)

Every year, dating back to the days of Xanga, I come up with a "Thankfulness" post, noting the most randomly, remarkable things in which I am most grateful for. The irony is, I wrote my top 24 in a journal I left on the train two days before Thanksgiving.

When I discovered the next day that I was missing my black Moleskin, I called the Amtrak 1-800 number approximately 47 times. I wasn't really sure anyone was listening to me. In fact, when I explained the situation one attended said, "Sooooo.......?" Of course no one cares about a journal that contains notes that a 20-something has written on books- everything from Jim Collins to Rob Bell to CJ Mahaney.

And as I muttered prayers throughout the day about this journal, I don't know that I believed God would bring it back to me. My faith is pretty frail sometimes. Hear I am trying to build my "second kingdom" when my mom, who had lost her wedding ring a week earlier, has the strength and grace and faith to carry on even though it has not been found.

I am completely undeserving.

But then Fred called. He had found my journal.
God is good and gracious.

So here it is...(The top three items I am thankful for sum the whole story up, even though it was written hours before I lost my journal. )

1. God's overwhelming grace and mercy in my life. He continually gives me what I, as a finite, sinful creature, do not deserve.

2. That same grace manifested through salvation found in Christ.

3. For His creativity in the way He orchestrates situations in my life- God certainly has a sense of humor.

4. COCUSA- not only the role it plays in the lives of kids and their families, but also what an impact seeing the fruit of the ministry up close and personal has had on me.

5. Brad and Chris and Pheaney- I couldn't ask for better co-workers, co-laborers. (And I am thankful for all the Fantasy Football advice they've given unknowingly over the years.)

6. Family. It was good to add another girl this year.

7. Justin and Hannah and the little one. Blessed beyond measure that they think well enough of me to be an aunt to their child.

8. My BFF+E, Sarah. Words cannot describe.

9. 7th grade girls' basketball. They are hilarious. I love them. "I'm not Michael Jackson; I can't jump that high!" makes me laugh even today.

10. My house and roommates and how God worked out EVERY SINGLE DETAIL.

11. A Truth Universally Acknowledged. The book club and the blog. These women encourage and inspire me.

12. CJ Mahaney- he has challenged and inspired me to look at my life in light of who God is and who I am. Three books by him this year: Humility, The Cross Centered Life, Don't Waste Your Sports. Read one of them.

13. Mark and Heather Miller, of theothermarkmiller fame. They wrote a song entitled, Bruised, which came to me at the moment I needed to "choose to be well again."

14. Coffee- the Bible and Indonesian Java from Mika's- you can't beat it.

15. Hummus from One World

16. My Mac- and all things graphic design- I'm grateful that God gave me the itch to be creative.

17. The ability to write and to put things one paper.

18. Water. Some people don't have it. I do.

19. Running. Good for the body and soul.

20. Liberty Bible Church. They make me feel loved. And they hold to the authority for scripture.

21. Almond butter. I don't know if I could eat lunch without it.

22. Nail polish. Gotta love the color of the season in a completely tangible way.

23. Worship music. It ministers to the soul in a way other things can't.

24. The future. There is a hope.

So, there you have it. A lot of randomness. Some things deep, others shallow.
To God be the glory.

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