Saturday, August 20, 2011

Epilogue: Closing the Book on Chapters in Life.

Sometimes I think of life being like the Bible.
Heretical? Maybe.

There are a lot of chapters that make up the seasons. Books that make up the periods. And that adds up to compilation a called the book of life.

All that being said, I think I've just written the epilogue in the book entitled, I-just-finished-college-and-I-am-not-really-sure-what's-next-so-I-will-continue-to-live-like-I'm-still-in-college.

Not that I have had the epiphany of what to do next. But I am truly tired of waiting for the next thing.
This is where I am at and I've got to start enjoying it because life is a vapor. Yet, I still have the responsibility to plan and pursue future things

While I would like it to be marriage and kids. And would really like to start a mom blog and post pictures of what I baked this morning and the latest art project. I truly believe that that is what God has in store for me- and most people (well, maybe the mom-blog isn't for everyone). Listen to Al Mohler. He just might convince you.

But in the mean time, I really would like to spend more time on the things I really believe are God-given writing and art. And to keep pursuing entrepreneurial doors to see what He might have for me there.

I love this blog. Because parts of it are broken. And other parts are beautiful.
Super melodramatic, I know.
Not to mention the fact that it's sole beginning was because all English majors have blogs. See first post.
I guess we will see what God has in store for this blog too. Because I think it could be something more useful than what it is now.

Now that I am beginning the next book, creatively entitled: Bloom Where You Are Planted, I am excited to see what the chapters will hold.

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