
Sunday, November 16, 2014

business + pleasure.

For all of those entrepreneurial-so-plugged-into-social-media types,
I've been struggling with what's real life and what's business life.
Because the fact is, designing is a huge part of what I think about and do even everyday, so to write a whole blog about that only - free from my life - seems weird. Yet to write about design AND all the dirty details of life seems totally unprofessional at the same time.

You know what they say, don't mix business with pleasure.
But what if business is pleasure?

While this should probably be a "Freelance Files" post, it's mostly an all-the-things-I've-been-living-and-thinking-post.

Like these invitations I put together for my sweet friend, Shelby.

I'm in love with them.

And speaking of sweet friends, Sierra took me out for a fun little photo-shoot. Modern day bartering, really. She's phenomenal. Check out her website! (I think it's weird to post pictures of yourself sitting in the middle of a road in downtown Peoria, but it goes to show Sierra's got talent!)

And it allowed me, or maybe reminded and encouraged me, to update the "About Me" section of this site since it probably hadn't been touched in half a decade.

Every conviction I've ever had about not listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving has been cast to the side. Something about the flurries and Folk Angel. And when you're just wanting Jesus to come, you'll be singing this too. 

Enough about me.
I'm giving away these two posters that I designed for my friend Jason. The print shop sent me two extras. Just comment to enter to win one of them! And I'll figure out how to get it to you!

(Are give-a-ways dumb?)


  1. Soon, I'll come up for a project for you I love your work.

  2. You're the best. Love those prints and you! Thanks for sharing your life through these blog posts, it's suffices when I can't talk to you in person :)

  3. Your new picture is awesome, sitting in the street or not.
    And giveaways are most certainly not dumb :)
